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Tuesday, 26 March 2013

Showcase Saturday

Calling all ladies running local businesses,

We are starting a scheme to get to know you all
 and promote YOU with our customers,

We have a card table (85cm sq) at the entrance to our store that we are going to allocate to you for an entire saturday trade to promote your business.

We would like your products, leaflets about your business and business cards
to be featured and displayed on the table.

We open at 9am and close at 2pm on a Saturday,
 we get lots of parents and school children trade,
so you could man the table to sell your products
or leave the display to sell itself.
(as long as you leave an inventory for us to take the money for you,
 and there are no discrepancies)

We will be collecting names interested,
and we are intending to showcase one business each week.
This will be starting after this easter weekend, it will be first come first serve.

There will be no payment involved for this advertising,
 however we would like to have your local support as well.
We believe in supporting local and will always recommend others if we can't help,
so our only request is for you to recommend us. 

Word of mouth is a fantastic advertising tool and if you could advertise your "Showcase Saturday" on your facebook and with all your friends and family then they might like Marally Craft on facebook.

I will create some art work for you to share on your facebook.

If you are interested or need further details.
call us or pop in!
02 6362 3860

Bec is here to 9pm tuesdays & thursdays if you want to call and chat about the Showcase.
We will be allocating the saturday on first come first serve so if you want a certain date then put in your request.

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